National Service Scheme

Well functioning unit No. 60 of National Service Scheme in the college is concentrating on the development of readiness to service and social commitment among its volunteers. This unit conduct programmes on personality development, legal literacy, women empowerment, adulterants psychology, palliative care and other relevant areas in service to humanity. This unit also conducted programmes on specific important days to create awareness among the student community. The units prove to be an inevitable part in all the every special occasions of the institution. The units render its services within the college and the adopted village through surveys, rallies, and different awareness programmes. They are dedicated to find out the problems of the inmates of adopted village and ensure remedies in a nascent way. NSS volunteers instigated a vegetable farm in the college premises with diversified crops which give them handful of joy and pleasure at the time of harvest. Annual special camps are much remembered by their services like constructing shelters to the needy, making sewages, play grounds, constructing pathways and roads and cleaning plastic and other needless from notable places. These activities shower relief to humankind and develop the personality of the volunteers.
